Exclusive Security Chauffeur Services

BluSkills security chauffeur services are trusted by Chief Executives of FTSE 100 organisations, entrepreneurs, business owners and celebrities 

The Ultimate Chauffeur Service - Security Chauffeur

Security chauffeur services have been around for a long time. Often they bridge the gap between no security and a personal security team or they can supplement a protective security team. A security chauffeur service delivers safe and luxurious transport first and foremost, ensuring you can make the most of your travel time.

For a small premium, it offers you the opportunity to increase your security awareness, transitioning from a reactive to a proactive approach. A security chauffeur will generally remain low key and discreet, they will conduct thorough planning, identify potential risks you face and mitigate these where possible.

You can find out more about what a security chauffeur does behind the scenes in our Security chauffeur article.

Security Chauffeur - Protection through prevention

people around table risk planning


BluSkills identify potential risks and threats to security across your personal, business and social life. This ensures we understand your specific needs and increases your safety and security.



BluSkills security chauffeurs, trained in close protection, licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), the UK’s private security regulator.



Your security chauffeur service is built around your specific requirements, preferences and identified risks. We provide a truly bespoke service which evolves with you over time.

AED logo bluskills chauffeurs are medically trained


Security Chauffeurs are trained and equipped to deliver life saving care at the point of injury or transport to the nearest pre-planned emergency facility.



Good driving is at the core of any chauffeur service. Our security chauffeurs hold advanced driving qualifications as standard, to ensure they deliver a great, safe experience.

security chauffeurs on hand for guidance


Our service ensures you always have a security expert on hand to offer advice and guidance as potential and emerging risks develop.

Serving Nationwide

map of the uk bluskills nationwide security chauffeurs

Security Chauffeur Services delivered Nationwide

We deliver our first class services across the UK from our home in Yorkshire including most counties and major cities. 

  • Leeds, York, London, Manchester, Birmingham & Edinburgh

  • Yorkshire, London, Cheshire, Sussex, Hampshire

Contact out team today to see how we can help you.

Exceptional Travel Environments

bluskills security chauffeur your luxury vehicle

Your luxury vehicle or ours

Flexible transportation to your needs and requirements

  • Enjoy the comfort and homely reassurance of your own vehicle

  • Alternative low profile transport options to lower your profile when required

  • Wide range of exclusive vehicles available by request

Nothing Else Comes Close
— Private Client
bluskills 5 star review security chauffeur

BluSkills security chauffeur service, helps you win back time & increase efficiency so you can focus on success.

Our Commitments

BluSkills security service guarantee logo

BluSkills are fully committed to providing you with outstanding levels of service. We guarantee you will be fully satisfied with all our services. We are dedicated to resolving any issues to your complete satisfaction. 

In a recent emergency situation the operator had already documented the nearest hospital so i was in A&E within minutes
— Private Client

Talk to our experts today


person working on laptop in vehicle bluskills services increase your productivity


Your world is busy and time sensitive. Our secure chauffeur service helps you take back control, relieving the stress and anxiety you feel, caused by unproductive time spent driving.

couple walking arm in arm safe from negative attention


Success can attract negative attention, arousing feelings of fear and insecurity. Our security chauffeur service helps you to eliminate these fears, gaining peace of mind and control.



Concerns, pressure and worry have proven adverse health implications. With BluSkills team by your side, you will arrive refreshed, fully prepared and set up for increased success.

Bluskills MD Richard Christian

Have you got a security challenge?

Our security experts love thinking outside the box to solve a security challenge.

Call BluSkills now on 0333 305 6615

Or complete the form below. We will fully understand your needs and design a bespoke service fully tailored around you.

Submit your security chauffeur enquiry
