
Regular training ensures that BluSkills employees are at the top of their profession. Many organisations shift this responsibility to their employees and sub-contractors, we however believe it is our duty to provide up to date, skilled and physically fit professionals in order to deliver the best service to you.

We keep training records for all our staff and these records are available to both current and prospective clients to view on request.


Selecting the right people is critical to giving you the best service. The majority of our team come highly recommended and have already proved their capabilities in the Police and Military protecting a range of people from executives through to diplomats and politicians.

All prospective candidates pass through our selection process of interviews, assessment, screening and training to ensure they are suitable, capable and ready to deliver the best service to you.


Our frontline roles which draw on protective services such as our Close Protection and Security Chauffeur services are regulated and licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

The Security Industry Authority or SIA is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry

BluSkills operational employees are always correctly licensed and in date. They are required to carry their licence at all times when on duty.

Vetted & Screened

Employing security shouldn’t compromise your security. BluSkills operational employees have come highly recommended by those we know or have proved their character and background through our selection process.

We conduct a thorough vetting process in accordance with BS 7858, the standard for vetting and screening in the security sector. This process is not only good practice but in the majority of cases is a condition of insurance, invalidating a business's policy if not conducted.
